Saturday, January 30, 2010

Aishwarya Rai Pictures | Aishwarya Rai Wallpapers | Biography

Nick Name: Aishu

Aishwarya Rai Birthdate:
1st Nov 1973

Aishwarya Rai Zodiac Sign:

Aishwarya Rai Eye Colour:
Light Green

Aishwarya Rai Height: 5'7"

Aishwarya Rai Profession: Modeling & Acting

Aishwarya Awards Won: Miss World 1994

Mahatma Gandhi & Nathuram Godse-Image.

" If you are allowed to perform last rites of my body you may perform them in any manner. But I am to express herewith a specific wish.

The river Indus (Sindhu), on the banks of which our pre-historic Rishis composed the Vedas is the Boundary of our Bharatvarsha i.e. Hindusthan. My ashes may be sunk in the Holy Sindhu River when she will again flow freely under the aegis of the flag of Hindusthan.

That will be the sacred day for us. It hardly matters even if it took a couple of generations for realizing my wish. Preserve the ashes till then, and if that day would not dawn in your lifetime, pass on the remains to posterity for translating my desire into reality.

If and when the Government lifts ban on my statement made in the Court, I authorize you to publish it."

4-11-1949, Pandit Nathuram Vinayak Godse

The Economics of Organizations--Posner

Oliver Williamson, an economist who won half a Nobel prize last week, has made important contributions to a field of economics that is not as well known as it should be: "organization economics." This is a field, closely related to a branch of sociology called organization theory, to which pioneering contributions were made by Alfred Chandler, Herbert Simon, and Ronald Coase, as well as Williamson; more recent contributors of note include Jacques Crémer, Bengt Holstrom, Luis Garicano, Canice Prendergast, Jean Tirole, and others. I have used organization economics in my academic work on the structure of our national intelligence system; Garicano and I have published an organization-economic study of the FBI's domestic intelligence branch in the Journal of Economic Perspectives, and I have written a review essay on organization economics for a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Institutional Economics.

Oddly, an interest in organizations is a latecomer to economics, even though most economic activity is conducted through organizations. The standard economic model is of trade between individuals, or firms assumed to behave as individuals. For many purposes the model, despite its extreme simplification, is adequate. If one wants to know how cigarette producers will respond to a rise in cigarette taxes, it is enough to assume unrealistically that a cigarette producer is one person rather than a complex organization. But for other questions the assumption is inadequate--most obviously if the question is why some business firms have steeply hierarchical structures and others rather flat ("M-shaped"--"M" standing for multidivisional) ones (this distinction has been a particular emphasis in Williamson's work). Or why compensation practices within firms (or government agencies) take the form they do. Or--most fundamentally--why there are firms at all--why all economic activity isn't carried on by contracts among individuals. Ronald Coase asked that question in a paper entitled "The Nature of the Firm," published in the 1930s. His answer was that a producer has a choice between contracting with independent contractors for the output of the various inputs into this production of the finished product, and contracting with individual workers--employees--not for their output but for the right to direct their work--and that the employer would choose between forms of contract--the contract with the independent producers or the employment contract--on the basis of which was more efficient, given the nature of his business.

Neither form of organizing production is perfect. The arms' length contract form requires detailed specifications that create inflexibility. The command form--the employer directing the work of employees rather than contracting for their output--creates the well-known principal-agent problem (the problem economists call "agency costs")--the employee is supposed to be working to maximize the firm's profits, but what he wants to maximize is his own utility, so the employer has a control problem.

The modern literature emphasizes the principal-agent problem but also moves beyond it by emphasizing another aspect of control within an organization: the creation, transmission, processing, coordination, and use of information. Because the span of supervision by one person is limited, the more employees a firm has, the more supervisors it requires; and the more supervisors it has, the more supervisors of supervisors it requires because the span of control is limited at every tier of the hierarchy. So as an organization expands, the layers of supervisors multiply, and the consequences ared delay in executing orders, loss of information, attenuation of the directions emanating from the top, and in short a weakening of control and coherence. The larger the organization, moreover, the more difficult it will be to correlate the work of a particular employee with the value of the organization's output, and so the employee's incentives will fall further out of alignment with those of the firm. A partial alternative to hierarchy is to decentralize the organization in imitation of the market, by delegating authority to division heads and requiring them to compete with one another for allocations of capital from central management. That is the essence of the "M-form" of corporate organization ("M" standing for multidivisional).

Organization economics emphasizes the variety of agency costs that flourish in complex organizations, such as "influence activities," by which agents try to influence the decisions of their principals, for example by flattery, by being a "yes man" and not "rocking the boat," by doing personal favors, by making alliances with coworkers, by jockeying for promotion, and by hoarding information to make oneself indispensable and reduce the output of one's competitors in the organization.

The challenge to organizations is to generate cooperation without use of the price system, since the employer does not buy the output of his employees. Instead organizations rely on common norms, understandings, customs, and perspectives that substitute for explicit contracting and thus enable cooperation on dimensions of performance that cannot be prescribed by formal directives. This set of informal binding elements (the organization's "culture") includes codes and other shared specific human capital that facilitates communication and coordination among agents. Unfortunately, an organizational culture that is optimal in its current environment may become suboptimal when the environment changes, yet adaptation to the new environment may be difficult because once information channels and other organizing elements are created, an investment has been sunk that will constrain the organization's reaction to a new environment. Change is especially hard because an organization's culture is diffused throughout the organization rather than concentrated in one place (an employment manual, for example) where it could be changed at a stroke. The result is organizational conservatism or inertia, and explains why innovations tend to come from new firms rather than from existing ones.

An important aspect of organizational culture, one that I have emphasized in my academic work, is the awkwardness of combining different cultures in the same organization. An example is the combination of criminal-investigation and security-intelligence functions in the FBI. The former lend themselves to what are called "high-powered" incentives, which are systems of compensation and promotion that are based on objective performance criteria. In the case of criminal investigation these are number of arrests weighted by convictions and sentence. Intelligence work does not lend itself to such performance criteria, because the effect of surveillance and other intelligence activities in preventing terrorism or subversion is usually very difficult to assess. Hence motivation takes the form of creating a "high commitment" environment in which the organization's leaders try to elicit good performance by getting staff to internalize the organization's goals. The problem is that the absence of objective criteria of performance opens the door to "influence activities" by which members of the organization jockey for advancement.

If both types of task are combined in the same organization--those that can be directed by high-powered incentives and those that require high commitment as their motivator, the best employees will tend to gravitate toward the first type of task because they will be confident that they will do well if their performance is judged according to objective criteria. They will be much less certain how well they will do in a job in which influence activities play a large role in determining success.

The problem of culture clash in an organization is further illustrated by the financial collapse of last year. Banks had traditionally been conservative organizations emphasizing risk avoidance, modest compensation, gradual promotion, and secure tenure. When in the deregulation era they were permitted to expand into riskier and (therefore) more lucrative forms of financial intermediation, they attracted a different kind of employee--smarter, more willing to take career as well as financial risks, more independent, and demanding higher pay. Because they were generating more profits for the bank, their influence grew and placed pressure on the traditional bankers to take more risks in order to hold their own in the struggle to control the organization. So one proposal for preventing a recurrence of the financial crisis, since the crisis was due in part to highly risky lending by banks, is to restore the separation codified in the Glass-Steagall Act of conventional banking from high-risk forms of financial intermediation.

The financial collapse illustrated another facet of organization economics as well. The banking industry expanded very rapidly in the low-interest-rate environment created by Greenspan's monetary policy in the early 2000s, and the expansion took the form largely of the expansion of existing firms rather than the creation of new ones. When an organization expands rapidly, there is a danger of loss of control over subordinate employees. The danger in the case of the banking industry's expansion was increased by the fact that many of the new hires consisted of young risk takers whose attitudes and skills were often quite different from those of the higher tiers of management. Senior managers had difficulty in assessing and limiting the highly risky deals engineered by the young hot shots.

Click and Share with new Fly V-180 DS Phone

Yes, Fly has got one more reason for users to fly as high as a kite. Well, Fly Mobile has recently taken the veil off its brand-new Fly V-180 DS, a sleek dual-SIM phone with digital camera and Bluetooth in India.

Designed to fall light on pocket, the pretty attractive piece comes equipped with video record and play, audio player, wireless FM, FM schedule recording, sound recorder, and 1200 mAh battery for 260 hours standby time and 9 hours of talk-time. Apart from such features, the phone flaunts off internal memory of 250KB and expandable memory up to 4GB, phone book that can store 800 contacts, menu and texting in Hindi and English language, and 1.8-inch TFT screen with 65k colors.

“We at Fly Mobile have broken the price barrier yet again. And why not? Our mantra for success is to offer as much value to the customer as we can. This is precisely why our mobile phones are loaded with features and not on the price front. We are committed to bring forth technologically innovative products and considering the high quality preferences along with the pockets of the consumers, the Fly V-180 DS handset is priced very reasonably,” elucidated Prem Kumar, Chief Executive Officer, Fly Mobile (India Operations).

Stepping in as ideal for youth, the high on features V-180 also hugs call back listening feature, torch, screen switch effect, USB charging and mass storage, photo caller ID, MMS/WAP/GPRS support and mobile tracker. Users can now simply click what they like and share the same amidst their friends using Bluetooth, thanks to such stylish phone.

Users can snap up the Fly V-180 DS phone for as little as Rs. 2,539.

Bingo Colors | Bingo game | Bingo ticket | Colors tv

Bingo Colors tv game show, tickets – all details

People are searching all over the net for Bingo colors tv, bingo game, bingo ticket, Abhishek Bachchan game show, Bingo colors tv show, colors bingo, how to play bingo game, how to register, etc.

Colors channel is coming out with the Bingo game show. The Bingo Colors TV game show will start today, January 23, 2010 at 9pm on Colors TV. Idea is presenting the Bingo game show.

Abhishek wil be the host of the show and the show is titled as Idea presents National Bingo Night, as idea is the main sponsor of the game show Bingo. It is pertinent to mention thatAbhishek Bachchan is also the brand ambassador for Idea Mobile.

Read more @

The Bingo Colors TV Game show: Visit Official site to get information on National Bingo Night game show –

Katrina kaif is looking very beautiful in her bridal dress

According to the buzz, Katrina Kaif is certain that she would marry the man of her choice in 2012, which is just two years away, and move into his home. Perhaps that is why the pretty stunner is not shelling out her hard earned money for a new home. ... All the data in the form of pictures,images,wallpapers,photos,text,videos have been collected using search engines and from other websites. All of those pictures are copyrighted and property of their respected owners.

Rann Movie Review

The film director R. G. Verma’s cutting-edge embark on the celluloid world named, Rann will arrive at the Cinema projection screens across the nation today.

A. B. starrer Rann follows the true path of the Fourth Pillar media that they are already moving forward with. The Rann movie review has it that the RGV has quite brightly changed over the TRP race, making up stunning news program as well as employ of mass media by the filthy political leaders of the present time, for their individualized milage on the celluloid.

The Rann movie review in one word is that it is quite a remarkable venture by the most prolific director of our times on to the Movie world.

Unquestionably, aft a couple of washouts, Ramu came up with a big smash. This is Ramu’s most adept body of work since the super hit movie, Company. RGV has brought out the filthy plot of TRP among electronic television channels. He as well attempted to exhibit the business concern of mass media through and through the movie Rann as well as he’s pretty successful within his causative. Rann the movie, delineates the function of the electronic mass media within the today’s up heaving circumstances with extraordinary manfulness as well as melodramatic coerce.

As was common, afterwards of the movies like Sarkar, Sarkar Raj as well as Aag, A.B. is quite focused up on to the stage of RGV’s Rann. Over again he’s fantabulous.

Nuriya Yusuf Ahluwalia, 27 yrs old under the influence of alcohol has lost control over her car and hit the police jeep and bike at Marine Drive in so

Katrina kaif is looking very beautiful in her bridal dress. she is so cute.,Bollywood Actress Katrina Kaif cute looks in bridal dress,Here are some exclusive stills of Katrina Kaif,Katrina kaif stills,Katrina kaif photos,Katrina kaif images,Katrina kaif pictures,Katrina kaif beautiful stills,Katrina kaif in bridel dress,Katrina kaif in red color dress,bollywood actress Katrina kaif,bollywood actress Katrina kaif stills

Nuriya Yusuf Ahluwalia : Drunken Woman Driver rams Car into Vehicles in Mumbai

, 27 yrs old under the influence of alcohol has lost control over her car and hit the police jeep and bike at Marine Drive in south Mumbai.One person died on the spot, while another one succumbed to his injuries in the hospital and 4 are injured.

While 35-year-old Afzal Kanojia died on the spot, Sub-Inspector Dinanathh Shinde died in the hospital. Four other constables are injured and being treated in the hospital.

The accused, Nooriya Haveliwala,who is a beautician by profession, who is a resident of Colaba in South Mumbai, was arrested. The medical tests detected 457 ml of alcohol in her blood. She has been booked for culpable homicide not amounting to murder, causing grievous hurt, and rash and negligent driving.

Easy way to make post summarries in front page in blogger

Well now that i have moved my blog to Blogger, i was looking around on how to do this and i found a few solutions out there, all doing the same thing.
The first one i saw was here:

The rest all seem to do the same thing, which is to make a hidden div hideable only in the front page.
The main issue with that is that for each post you have to go into the "Edit Html" tab and manualy put the surrounding Div.

Knowing that i may be too lazy to do this each time, i came up with a quicker and easier way to do it, in a "good enough" kind of way.

How to do it:

1) in your blogger admin goto "Layout" then "Edit Html".
2) inside the html editor look for the "" tab and just above it copy and paste the following code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'> <style>.post-body{max-height:200px;overflow:hidden;}</style> </b:if>
3)Save and see how it looks like.

Easier to implement, and you dont have to do anything manualy ever after.

It doesnt have the fancy, "read more" links, and it will cut of the text in some situations...
also dont have the control of where does the summary ends.. like you
used to , but then again you dont have to set it manualy each time.

Possible modifications and improvements:
- change the "max-height" value to something else to play around with the height of the summaries.
- add some other cool things to the div with simple css commands like vertical scrolling etc, or change the color...

There are many things you can do for this with CSS, i hope to hear some
ideas in the comments and i will move them to the post if they are good.